His latest target is Anne Summers. Mr Pickering's rant in a blog post entitled "Summer's winter of discontent" begins: "I had never heard of a person called Ann Summers (not sure Ann is with or without an "e" and I couldn't care less really..."
Mr Pickering, since you - as a Walkley award winning political commentator - seem to have forgotten how to research, let me do it for you.
Anne Summers (yes, her name has an "e" and you show disrespect in your very first sentence with your inane comments) is a Walkley award winning journalist. Her award was for an investigation into NSW prisons which led to a royal commission.
She is
- co-founder of the Women's Liberation Movement (WLM) in Australia
- formerly Australia's First Assistant Secretary of the Office of the Status of Women
- Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) for service to journalism and to women's affairs
- holder of honorary doctorates from both Flinders University SA and the University of NSW
- author of seven (7) books
- on an Australian Post 2011 stamp in the "Australian Legends" series
- a columnist for Sydney Morning Herald and Sunday Age
- a prominent blogger on her own website http://annesummers.com.au
No, Mr Pickering. You are not interested in respect or truth, let alone honesty or equality. You are only interested in furthering your own infamy by means of inciting and perpetuating the sexist, hate-filled and misogynist images and utterances that you seem to so highly value in people such as Tony Abbott.
Personally, I think it is truly a shame that someone with your alleged intelligence chooses to abuse it for personal gain. You do no-one any good by doing so, least of all your supporters who continue to show themselves up as racist, sexist, bigoted and less than intelligent.
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